Muddy's Best Schools Awards 2024

Hazelwood is a proud finalist in the 2024 Muddy Stilettos Best Schools Awards for Best Experiential Learning.

This accolade recognises Hazelwood's continued whole-school ethos on innovative and adaptive approaches, focusing on personalised learning journeys for all pupils.


Muddy's Best Experiential Learning



iExcellence Award

As an i25 Joint Finalist in the iExcellence awards 2020, we were delighted to have our spirit of invention recognised for our innovative suite – the inside and outside BOX.

The iExcellence Award recognises influencers and innovators in the independent education sector who have made a real impact. 

Hazelwood is passionate about embracing digital literacy of the future.


i-excellence award logo


My daughter has had an invaluable opportunity to broaden her horizons and is really excited about the future and what it holds for her generation.


The BOX creates an environment where pupils take risks and approach tasks from a new angle. They feel safe making mistakes. The collaboration and creativity the children exhibit while working in the BOX has transferred to the classroom, where they are taking ownership of their thinking and learning. 

Teacher at Hazelwood.


The BOX 

The BOX is our flexible, agile-learning space which inspires and aids dynamic teaching and learning. A space which is unlike a traditional classroom, there are no set rules, instead it heralds an inclusive new way of learning that is full of investigative possibility.

The BOX will prepare pupils for the future with a wide variety of equipment to support active learning

  • VR Goggles
  • Lego Construction Wall
  • Graphic Design Tools
  • Interactive Projection
  • Robotics



ISI Report – June 2023

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is responsible for the inspection of schools with a membership to an Independent Schools Council association. 

The report is a detailed assessment of the School, examining provision, curriculum, teaching, pastoral care, governance, leadership and culture. 


isi - independent school inspectorate logo


Happy, Confident Children 

We are proud to have passed our latest inspection report in June 2023 again as we are always striving to make improvements and identify where we can better enhance our pupils’ education. The report reflects the ongoing work we are doing to provide a motivating environment at Hazelwood for happy, confident children and to ensure they are well prepared and ready for the next stage of their education. 


Children are active learners who show great enthusiasm and a strong desire to find out more.

Inspection Report 2023

Excellent progress is made by all children in their learning and development relative to their starting points. They are extremely well prepared and ready for the next stage of their education.

Inspection Report 2023

Leaders and managers are fully committed to an ambitious vision for future development, to provide a motivating environment for happy, confident children.

Inspection Report 2023



LUXlife Private Education Awards 2023

LUXlife is a premium lifestyle publication. Their private education awards recognise the very best institutions and service providers operating in the industry today. 

Hazelwood Nursery is incredibly proud to have received the Most Nurturing Nursery & Early Years Learning Environment 2023 – Southeast England.




NACE Challenge Award

In January 2023, we were proud to receive the NACE Challenge Award for the second time. We are proud to be only one of a few schools in Surrey that has achieved this.

The NACE Challenge Award provides recognition of school-wide high-quality provision for more able learners within a context of challenge for all. 

The climate for learning is positive and engaging…pupils are very well behaved and have particularly good relationships with their teachers and each other.


Staff and pupils can have high expectations of themselves and of one another. There is a relentless drive to promote effective learning and ensure the Hazelwood pupils are ‘future ready’.


The challenging, evolving and adaptive curriculum offers opportunities across all areas of school life, for a child to find their strengths and excel…it provides for a range of experiences and learning opportunities for pupils to pursue their learning according to their ability or interests.


Provision for all pupils is robustly monitored, evaluated and very ably led.


Assessment data indicates that pupils continue to significantly exceed the national average at each stage of the school.



Wellbeing Award 

Hazelwood School is currently working towards a Wellbeing Award with Optimus Education.

We are aiming to meet the following objectives:

  • Committed to promoting and protecting positive emotional wellbeing and mental health.
  • Regarding wellbeing and mental health as the responsibility of everyone.
  • Actively promoting positive staff wellbeing.



Wellness Day

    Our Wellness Day celebration took place on December 14th 2023 and was an exciting opportunity for us to come together and develop the wellbeing of our pupils and staff. 

    Our goal was to ignite a passion within our pupils, inspiring them to make positive choices that nurture their bodies and minds. By creating a supportive and engaging environment filled with hands-on activities, we provided our pupils with the knowledge and tools to build healthy habits and skills, ultimately leading to an improved quality of life.