
At Hazelwood Nursery, we are privileged to have a wealth of space that enables us to craft a tailored educational experience for each child, both inside and outside the classroom. Our site boasts well-lit, airy rooms, each accompanied with its own outdoor area, two expansive halls, a library, a lush lawn area, a brilliantly resourced large playground, a nature area, and a designated Forest School facility.

Fostering Personalised Growth

We take immense pride in our collaborative approach with parents and caregivers, to discover what ignites your child's passion and how we can leverage their interests to nurture them into well-rounded individuals, brimming with confidence.

Our Early Years unit is structured as follows:

  • Fledglings (under 2 years)
  • Robins (aged 2 – 3 years)
  • Skylarks (pre-school aged 3 – 4 years)

Support and Development

We assign each child a key person who is primarily responsible for guiding their development through warm and positive interaction, ensuring that learning and care is tailored to meet their individual needs

In the early stages of your child's education, we prioritise the prime areas of learning:

  • Personal, Social, and Emotional Development.
  • Communication and Language.
  • Physical Development.


Cultivating Curiosity

The prime areas of learning develop children’s curiosity and enthusiasm by building the capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. They will be given many opportunities to communicate and express themselves, to participate in physical activity and to develop coordination and control.  We encourage children to show respect for others and to treat everyone with kindness.

As your child progresses into our pre-school year (Skylarks), we offer specialised lessons in phonics and maths. The highly interactive environment allows us to precisely gauge each child's progress and cater to their unique needs.


Specialised Enrichment

What sets Hazelwood apart is our affiliation with the Prep School, which grants us access to subject specialists. Your child will benefit from music and PE lessons in the year that they turn three years old, with swimming being offered from our pre-school year.



Throughout the year, there are two formal parents' evenings, providing the opportunity to meet with your child's key worker and discuss their progress. In the summer term, you will receive an end-of-year report. Our dedicated staff are also available for discussions during drop-off and pick-up times.

Our interactive nursery management software, FAMLY, allows for seamless communication, with photographs and instant messages posted throughout the day. Furthermore, FAMLY aids in recording each child's individual learning journey, and you’ll receive updates regularly throughout the term.

The learning journeys are a cornerstone of our commitment to tracking your child's development, ensuring they remain on track to meet expected milestones, as well as identifying their strengths and any areas where they may require additional support. The observations within these journeys include both adult-supported and independent learning, highlighting any next steps to keep your child progressing happily and confidently.


Nurturing Wellbeing for Lifelong Learning

Fundamentally, we believe that happy children are the best learners. At Hazelwood Nursery, our utmost priority is to provide a nurturing, joyful environment where we focus on your child’s wellbeing, so they thrive, receive the best care, and cultivate an appetite for learning. 


What makes Hazelwood special on top of the brilliant facilities is the tailored approach to our children’s early years education and specific needs. The standout thing…are undoubtedly the people who work for Hazelwood. They are exceptional.

Hazelwood Parent