
When your child steps into their Reception classroom, they enter a welcoming and inclusive environment. Throughout the day, pupils engage in stimulating and enjoyable activities both inside and outside the classroom. 

Our classrooms are well equipped to encourage independence and resourcefulness in pupils, laying the groundwork for future learning. We believe that learning should extend beyond the classroom, so we organise regular trips in the local area to enhance pupils’ learning experiences. We also invite guest speakers into school, such as children's book authors and experts in their fields, to enrich our curriculum.

Years 1 and 2 

Our Lower School building (Baily Building) is a nurturing and industrious part of the school. The children can begin their day in the Early Room, where a range of activities take place, before the children head to their classrooms at 8.30am. 

Life for Year 1 and 2 pupils is filled with wonderful learning opportunities, led by experienced and valued educators; all pupils are supported, extended and challenged through a rich curriculum and inclusive programmes of study. 

A Comprehensive Learning Approach

We deliver topic-based learning. The day starts with individual reading and by mid-morning break, each pupil will have read, experienced independent activities, such as research work or modelling, and had a core lesson and sometimes PE or swimming. 

Throughout the day, pupils have time to socialise, learn through play, and experience lessons in the core subjects and the creative curriculum. These lessons are enriched with sessions of spellings, phonics, maths challenges, puzzle time, modelling, handwriting and comprehension. 

We ensure that an excellent transition is managed between Years 2 to 3, so that pupils are prepared and ready to blossom into Year 3, with an excellent attitude to learning and excitement at the opportunities that lie ahead. 

Years 3 & 4

Years 3 and 4 are based in the Baily Building, in bright, modern and spacious classrooms, with access to specialist teaching facilities across the Wolfs Hill site. 

Pupils move around the site independently. They have library lessons each week and play competitive sport on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

Pupils visit and use the BOX more frequently as schoolwork becomes a little more demanding and homework increases.


It is amazing to me that Hazelwood have managed to be as accommodating to the needs of our family, while still providing outstanding academic, pastoral and sporting care.

Hazelwood Parent