Progressing To Reception

Transition for pupils from Nursery (Skylarks) into Reception is an important journey that Hazelwood gives care and attention to.  

Throughout their time in the nursery, children have been exposed to a blend of structured learning and exploratory play, preparing them for Reception. Our dedicated team of staff guide this transition with sensitivity and attention to each child’s unique needs. The nurturing environment of our nursery ensures that children feel emotionally secure to make the adjustment to new routines and expectations.

Transition Activities

Pupils are given multiple opportunities to spend time with Reception teachers throughout the summer term through class visits, play afternoons and drop-in visits from the teachers. 

There are several specific timetabled events that take place throughout the summer term, which allow all children the opportunity to familiarise themselves with their new environments, such as the Skylarks to Reception play afternoon, in which the children spend an afternoon in Reception to experience the classroom setting. This is followed by a Skylarks to Reception teddy bears’ picnic, in which all pupils, including any new starters, are invited to a picnic with the Reception teachers. 

Finally, there is the whole school room swap morning, which results in Skylarks spending the entire morning in the Reception classroom with their teachers, experiencing the fun and excitement of an average morning in Reception! 

Collaborative Support

Parents are integral partners to ensuring the transition is as smooth as possible and Hazelwood holds a Skylarks to Reception transition evening in the summer term. This enables parents the opportunity to go through the transition programme with the Deputy Head with responsibility for Early Years and the Reception teachers, to ask those all-important questions and spend some time in the children’s classrooms. Parental involvement is welcomed and valued at Hazelwood to create a supportive network that contributes to your child’s overall wellbeing.