Learning Adventures

Topics include Space, the Great Fire of London and Remarkable Rivers. Specialist heads of department oversee curriculum content for rigour across all subjects, but class teachers skilfully weave subjects together to make learning engaging, varied and fun. 

Specialised Learning Opportunities

Pupils develop independent research skills from Year 1 upwards and enjoy the expertise of visiting speakers and engaging curriculum topic days. Pupils in the Lower School also enjoy subject specialist teaching in sport, music, drama and languages. Topic days include Roman Day, Egyptian Day and Biomes Day.

We offer an accelerated curriculum in Maths and English taught by dedicated and passionate staff as well as streamed teaching in Maths and dedicated weekly preparation for verbal and non-verbal reasoning.

Adaptive Approaches

All lessons are adapted to support and stretch pupils according to their needs. This can take a range of forms, from physical tools of support to tiered steps to success and different types of questioning and extension challenges, to provide a stimulating environment for pupils demonstrating a high aptitude.  

The quality of our adaptive approaches and provision for stretching more able pupils is recognised through the NACE Challenge Award, which Hazelwood has held since 2014.

Learning Support in the Lower School

Our Learning Support Department is on hand to monitor any emerging needs or difficulties pupils might have in their learning. 

Monitoring Progress

All staff monitor pupil progress continually and meet at least once a term to review a live 'academic watch list' to make sure every pupil meets the level of progress we would expect. This is reported to parents through colour-coded progress indicators on reports and interventions are put in place as required.

In addition to internal tracking of progress, our pupils also complete national benchmarking progress tests in English, maths and science, all of which indicate that every year group at Hazelwood does perform significantly above the national average.