The things that make me different are the things that make me, ME.

A.A. Milne

Lifelong Learners

Hazelwood’s rich and varied curriculum offers every child the chance to realise their full potential in a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment.

All staff are committed to addressing the needs of every child and eliminating any barriers to their progress. Our holistic approach to each child’s individual style of learning ensures that all our pupils grow to be lifelong, confident and independent learners.


Staff are supported by the Learning Support Team, who offer guidance, advice and training when pupils are identified as requiring additional support to fulfil their potential.

Strong communication links with parents is vital to help us understand and identify each pupil’s individual learning profile. The Learning Support Team encourages parents to get in touch with any concerns, so that we can collaborate to ensure that appropriate strategies and support mechanisms are in place to enable each pupil to flourish in their learning environment. 

Children with SEND are quickly identified and carefully targeted interventions provide suitable support in order to help narrow any gaps in their learning.

ISI Report 2019

Personalised Support

Support comes in bespoke forms and the Learning Support Hub can offer pupils help with literacy or numeracy skills, personal organisation, study skills, or language and communication skills. Depending on individual need, the Learning Support Hub offers a range of support:

  • In-class support.
  • Small group support.
  • One-to-one support.
  • In-house screening tests.
  • Liaison with external agencies.

    A popular provision offered by Learning Support is the Wild Readers’ Club – a Year 5 reading group that meets weekly before school for reluctant readers and held in a different location each week.

    Learning Support Team