Running several events throughout the year, the HPA aims to bring the School community together and raise funds to support new School projects. 


Our Projects

In recent years, the HPA has provided additional facilities which have been enjoyed by children in the Nursery through to Year 8. Recent new additions are the adventure playground, 30 VR headsets and the all-weather Astro pitch.

Our fantastic team of volunteer parents work with School staff to organise events such as the annual Fireworks Display and the Christmas Fair, however, many hands make light work, and they are always looking for more parents to help. Your input would be incredibly welcome and would benefit all pupils attending Hazelwood. 

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Contact HPA

If you would like further details or if you are interested in attending an HPA meeting, please contact the Chair, Hebba Vercoe 

Even if you feel that you cannot commit to being on the committee, please do get in touch with any offer of help or ideas for events or sponsorship.  

We would love to hear from you!

You can also stay connected by following us on:


AGM and Annual Accounts

The accounts are audited every year and presented at the AGM.  Further details of HPA fundraising figures can be obtained from the Treasurer, Galina Pauwels


The HPA is active and is always trying something innovative to bring the School together in some fun and novel way.

Hazelwood Parent