A typical day offers structure in the core subjects with a diverse curriculum and specialist teachers providing expertise in all subjects.

Beyond the core subjects, there is a strong emphasis on allowing pupils to explore their interests, especially in our Year 7 & 8 Electives Programme. Sports and the creative arts play a big role in our pupils’ day, contributing to our holistic approach to education at Hazelwood.

We aim for a day in our Upper School to offer a well-balanced education that encourages academic excellence, personal growth and a lifelong love of learning.


Early morning training for the Swim Squad or the Early Morning Athletics Programme provides an excellent start to the day for over 60 children.


Breakfast Club – children can enjoy an appetising array of breakfast delights including cereals, pastries, juices and a cooked breakfast.


Children arrive in classrooms ready for Registration and valuable time with their form teacher and form class. Activities allow children time and space to focus, discuss the week’s priorities and get ready for the day ahead.


Lessons are designed to be stimulating and challenging in equal measure. Children in Year 6 and above enjoy subjects such as Graphic Design and Design & Technology. Budding designers explore creative solutions to real-life problems in class.


Morning break provides opportunities to socialise with friends, play football, read in the library and of course collect a morning snack of fresh fruit and homemade cookies or pretzels.


Refreshed from breaktime, children head back to classes for more learning. An English lesson in the BOX may see children studying Gothic literature, using the surround sound system and changeable ceiling lighting to set the scene for their narrative.

12 noon

Lessons continue with more opportunities for Outdoor Learning or rehearsals for the Year 8 end-of-year performance. In the autumn term, Year 6 children focus on their senior school entrance exams with regular revision workshops.


A delicious lunch awaits Upper School children and a chance to unwind and catch up with friends. All food is prepared and cooked on site. A number of lunchtime clubs are also on offer.


A mixture of lessons take place in the afternoon, from languages to science or music. Critical thinking across subjects develops problem-solving skills and boosts confidence. Games fixtures take place mid-week and all children from Year 3 upwards enjoy competitive matches against local, independent schools.


Children in Years 7 & 8 have a unique opportunity to study an elective from a programme of subjects ranging from Mandarin, Stockbroking, Robotics, Forensic Science, Graphics and more. Children discover new passions and enjoy taking ownership of their learning.


Home time and a chance to relax or head to an after-school club. There is an impressive array of enrichment activities to choose from including judo, art, cooking, scratch animation, chess, golf, Lego, dance, sport, TT Rockstars and more.


For families needing wraparound care, we provide a hot meal and teacher-supervised relaxation and study time until 6.00pm - a chance to read or catch up on homework.


The staff develop the children and build strong bonds with them, such that we have never had a day when our children have not wanted to go to school – that is something very special indeed!

Hazelwood Parent