Governance and Strategic Direction

As well as being a registered charity, Hazelwood is also a company limited by guarantee and is managed by a board of trustees and governors. The object of the School or trust is "the advancement and promotion of education”.

The Head and Deputy Heads (appointees of the Governors) are responsible for the day-to-day management of the School, but it is the Governing Body who is ultimately responsible for the direction which the School takes in the long term i.e. the strategic and development plan, covering such issues as education, property and building development, finance, risk management and resource planning.

Responsibilities and Structure

To ensure that the Governors meet the requirements of the School being an educational charity, the Governing Body is also expected to understand fully, as well as actively monitor such things as health and safety, compliance and safeguarding, public benefit and financial audit. There are also regulatory and legal requirements laid down by the DCSF, OFSTED, IAPS etc. all of which the Governors are charged with responding and reacting to.

Governors serve for an initial term of 3 years, but this is sometimes extended as necessary. The Governing Board has a Secretary and Chair. The full board meets once a term and more recently has met annually away from School to discuss strategy and future development. The Board is subdivided into smaller sub-committees to make the work required more achievable. 

Hazelwood Governors

Learn more about each member and discover the collective leadership guiding Hazelwood towards a brighter future.

* Current parent
** Former parent


Hazelwood Nursery Board of Directors