Individualised Care & Support

In Robins, we have an adult to child ratio of 1:4 and every pupil has a primary and secondary key person. The key person takes responsibility for the pupil’s personal care, liaises with parents and monitors developmental progress. Nappy changing, sleep arrangements and potty training (as appropriate) are planned to suit each individual child, in close consultation with parents.

Guided by EYFS Principles

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance (EYFS), which is the statutory play-based curriculum. The EYFS covers seven areas of learning: 

Prime Areas

  • Personal Social Emotional Development.
  • Communication and Language.
  • Physical Development.

Specific Areas

  • Literacy.
  • Mathematics.
  • Understanding the World.
  • Expressive Arts and Design.

Observations are used at weekly planning meetings to help devise a programme of fun and stimulating activities relevant to each pupil’s development and interests.

Robins - A Parents' Guide