We ensure that each day is filled with exploration and discovery, to encourage a sense of curiosity and confidence in our younger learners. Teachers offer guidance and feedback to help each child develop academically and socially. 

Throughout these formative years, Hazelwood maintains a nurturing atmosphere that values each child’s unique abilities and provides a supportive community where pupils feel inspired, challenged and empowered to reach their full potential.


Breakfast Club opens at 7.30am, allowing for early morning drop-off for working parents. Children can enjoy an appetising array of breakfast delights, including cereals, pastries, juices and full cooked breakfast. 


Children arrive in their classroom ready for Registration. Our young learners are taught to be independent and encouraged to help one another start the day on time.


A topic-based approach to lessons demonstrates inter-connected learning and adds a layer of interest to help engage young minds. Who wouldn’t want to learn about chocolate when practising times tables?


Morning break provides opportunities to run, climb on the brand new trim trail, play football, and burn off energy, with enough time to collect a morning snack of fresh fruit, a homemade cookie or pretzel.


Children in Years 1 to 3 see huge progression in their development. Focus is on literacy and numeracy skills, whilst continuing to offer opportunities for children to develop their creativity and understanding of the world. 

12 noon 

An early lunch allows children to fill up on a choice of meal options, including pasta dishes, curries, jacket potatoes, salad, fresh fruit and yoghurts.


Children are provided with opportunities to explore a range of media and materials. They are encouraged to share their ideas and feelings through art, music, dance, role-play and D&T. Music is taught each week and emphasis is placed on developing pupils' singing voices, rhythmic skills and an appreciation of different musical styles.


The school day ends at 3.30pm for our younger pupils. Many will choose to join an after-school club or stay in the late room where they can enjoy a snack.


For families needing wraparound care, we provide a hot meal and teacher-supervised relaxation and study time until 6.00pm - a chance to read or catch up on homework.