Fostering Independence

In Skylarks, we have an adult to child ratio of 1:8 and every pupil has a primary and secondary key person. The key person takes responsibility for the pupil’s personal care, liaises with parents and monitors developmental progress. Staff ensure pupils’ independence and self-care are promoted as they enter their final year before school.

Guided by EYFS Principles

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Guidance (EYFS), which is the statutory play-based curriculum. The EYFS covers seven areas of learning: 

Prime Areas

  • Personal Social Emotional Development.
  • Communication and Language.
  • Physical Development.

Specific Areas

  • Literacy.
  • Mathematics.
  • Understanding the World.
  • Expressive Arts and Design.

Observations are used at weekly planning meetings to help devise a programme of fun and stimulating activities relevant to each pupil’s development and interests.

Skylarks - A Parents' Guide